From the Kiwanis International Web site

Welcome to the
Kiwanis Club of Tiffin
​Who we are
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
The Kiwanis Club of Tiffin is one of more than 8,300 clubs in over 75 countries around the world. Our 100+ members join over 350,000 Kiwanians in these countries to further the objectives of Kiwanis.
Where we meet
The Kiwanis Club of Tiffin meets every Thursday, at Noon.
The Club meets at Kiwanis Manor, 7 W Market St., Tiffin, OH, in the Ralph Hyatt Room, located on the first floor, to the left as you enter the building. Here is a Zoom link to attend virtually:
If you have questions about living at Kiwanis Manor, please contact the Director at 419-448-4541, do not email the address on this page.

​Our projects
Our oldest project is Kiwanis Manor.
We sponsor youth programs with Tiffin City Schools and Tiffin University.
Some of our other projects include:
Bring Up Grades
Kiwanis Christmas Parade
Kiwanis Garage Sale
Chemo Care Packages
Foster Kids Birthday Bags
Operation Evergreen
Kiwanis Cooking Show
HUB Youth Center
Grade A Banquet