This foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. It was established to expand funds directly to young people to help them meet the costs inherent in obtaining excellence in vocational education and training and to aid handicapped persons in regaining necessary skills or adaptations leading to happy and useful life.
Through fundraising efforts such as the annual holiday candy sales the Foundation is able to provide necessary funds for noteworthy causes such as the Mercy Hospital Foundation--in particular, the child friendly pediatric trauma emergency care center at the new Mercy Hospital, Tiffin.
Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.
Foundation Officers 2023 - 2024
President: Julie Adkins
Vice President: John Millar
Treasurer: Clark Hutson
Secretary: Mikki King
Rich Ellinger
Bernie Steinmetz
Kayleigh Feasel-Tschanen, ex officio
Ralph Hyatt Scholarship
Students from the following high schools are eligible to apply:
Hopewell Loudon
New Riegel
Seneca East
Sentinel Career Center
The Ralph Hyatt Scholarship is a one-time award of $500 to a graduating high school senior in our service area recognizing their exemplary work in service activities for their school and community. In addition to this application form, students will need to include an unofficial transcript from your high school. A resume may also be included but this is optional. Download the form with the icon above.